Around Town | Hinsdale Area Moms

How to Encourage Your Kids to Wear a Mask

With many schools requiring kids to wear masks, teaching kids to keep their mask on is going hand in hand with teaching ABCs and geometry. Help your child’s teacher by encouraging your kids with these easy tips! This article originally appeared on our Parent Site. The...

How Bad is Extra Screen Time for Kids’ Eyes

Whether we’re homeschooling, doing virtual school, or simply giving more TV/tablet time in order to get 15 minutes to ourselves, many of us are allowing more screen time than in years past. But how bad is extra screen time for kids’ eyes? And are tech-y accessories...

Mask Recommendations

As we are spending more time in masks I thought I would give a quick roundup of ones we are loving. I’m also including all the ones recommended by all of you on Instagram. Let me know if I am missing any brands you love! Kid Masks (Approved by my four) Kids Care...

Work From Home (#WFH) by Interior Designer, Courtney Casey

#WFH As if parenting isn’t hard enough, 2020 came along and slapped us square across the face. As parents try to juggle their already full workloads with e-learning, one thing is certain – our houses just aren’t functioning the way we need them to. I recently posted a...

What a Difference Great Lashes Make!

I have no problem admitting that when it comes to getting myself ready in the morning, I usually throw on a little bit of makeup to give myself that instant boost of confidence and the appearance of seeming much more awake than I probably am. However, when it comes to...

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