What is the best age for braces? Featuring Dr. Ramzi Daibis, DDS, MS, Diplomate, American Board of Orthodontics | Hinsdale Area Moms

As the BIG (and I mean BIG) teeth are coming in fast a furious I found myself wondering, should my girls be getting braces? If you are like me maybe you don’t what the “right age” is for an initial consultation with an orthodontist. We sat down with local resident and orthodontist, Dr. Ramzi Daibis, DDS, MS, Diplomate, American Board of Orthodontics, for some answers. Dr. Daibis and his wife, fellow orthodontist, Dr. Tamara Oweis, DDS, MS, Diplomate, American Board of Orthodontics,  are the proud owners and founders of Band and Wire in Clarendon Hills.

What is the best age to have a child evaluated by an orthodontist?
The American Association of Orthodontists recommends orthodontic screening and evaluation for all children 7 years or older. This does not necessarily mean that your 7-year old child will always need braces! In fact, orthodontic treatment is most likely not necessary at this age.

Could the family dentist do this instead?
A comprehensive orthodontic evaluation should only be performed by an orthodontist. Orthodontists are specialized dentists who have gone through 2-3 years of additional training. Our orthodontic evaluations are complimentary and we always share our findings and recommendations with your child’s dentist.

Why do kids seem to be getting braces at a younger age?
There are specific indications for early orthodontic treatment, but most children would not benefit from braces (or expanders) at a young age. Not only are the benefits of early orthodontic treatment limited, but also a second round of braces (phase two) is almost always necessary. This increases the overall duration and cost of treatment.
However, even if we do not recommend treatment at this age, we can observe and monitor your child’s dental growth until he/she is ready for orthodontic treatment. We refer to this as growth guidance. We offer complimentary growth guidance at our office on a regular basis until your child is ready for braces.

What if braces were recommended for a 7 or 8 year old child?
Ask a lot of questions and try to get a second opinion! We tend to be more conservative in our approach and recommend early treatment only if necessary.

What is the best age for braces?
The majority of children would benefit from one round of comprehensive orthodontic treatment rather than the two-phase approach. The best age for braces (orthodontic treatment) is right before your child loses his/her last set of baby molars. This varies but is usually between 12-14 years old for most children.
Starting treatment too early (too many baby teeth present) may result in longer treatment duration and potentially more negative consequences. On the other hand, starting treatment too late may extend treatment time and make it more difficult.

As for adults, teeth continue shifting throughout life and in addition to the cosmetic impact, crooked teeth can be very destructive to your teeth and oral health. As an adult, you should start your orthodontic treatment as soon as it becomes feasible to you. We specialize in adult orthodontics and offer free consultations to adults as well.

As a mom with 4 little mouths to worry about, I honestly didn’t really know where or when to begin. My older two girls are ages 7 and 8 and after reading Dr. Ramzi’s advice we set up there initial consultation. Band and Wire has flexible hours and fit my girls in after swim practice, and made them feel right at home. Dr. Ramzi and the entire staff are friendly and knowledgeable and work to provide the best of care all along the way.  After a tour of the sleek and modern office the girls had a round of pictures and X-Rays and then an exam with Dr. Ramzi. After the exam Dr. Ramzi shared the images, X-rays and his opinion for treatment. He also answered my many questions and concerns. And like Dr. Ramzi mentioned in the article not all kids are ready at age 7, but its a great time to have them evaluated. The experience is pain free for all involved and that is always a major MOM WIN! And let’s be real, anything that ends with a BIG spinning wheel of prizes always makes my girls extra happy!


This post is sponsored by Band and Wire .

Opinions in this article do not reflect those of The Local Moms Network. As a reminder, I am not a medical professional and all medical care should be at the direction of a medical professional. The Hinsdale Area Moms Network does not endorse any specific business listed on this site. The information contained on thehinsdaleareamoms.com is for general information purposes only

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