Meet-a-Mom, Mira Albert | Hinsdale Area Moms

Meet-a-Mom, Mira Albert

What’s your favorite family activity in the Hinsdale, Western Springs, La Grange, Clarendon Hills Area ?
We love to rotate around to all of the local restaurants. These days we are home due to COVID-19 so we are especially missing frequenting our local favs.

How many children do you have and what are their age(s)?
I have 2 boys ages 11 and 9.

How long have you lived in the Hinsdale/WS/La Grange/CH Area? What made you decide to live here?
We moved to Hinsdale in 2010 about 1 month before my younger son was born. We choose Hinsdale for the amazing schools and the community. Our initial reason for moving west was to be nearer to my Husband’s dental practice, Esplanade Dental Care in Downers Grove.

Where’s your favorite place to eat and/or shop in the Hinsdale/WS/La Grange/CH Area?
I love Nabuki, Fuller House, Neat Kitchen, Beatrix and True Food Kitchen not in that specific order! I love to shop at Marcus and My Sister Kate. Ten-friends is my guilty pleasure-although not these days. I absolutely love to go to Casey’s in Western Springs for fresh meat and fish-they also have the best queso EVER! BB’s doughnuts in WS is also such a fun place to get special mini doughnuts for any occasion.

What’s one thing people would be surprised to know about you?
I got braces on a whim over lunch when I was 30 years old! I used to have a midline space between my 2 front teeth.

Anyone special you’d like to thank for helping you through parenthood?
My husband! He is the most amazing partner and truly shares the responsibility of raising our boys. I think we truly co-parent and co-life. He supports my career/I his and he takes such amazing care of our boys when I am working or out of town.

Are you involved in a business venture, a local organization, a creative endeavor, or in the corporate world? Please share!
I founded Brush Pediatric Dentistry in Hinsdale and have poured my heart and soul into in for the last 9 years. We are currently not seeing patients due to the COVID-19 outbreak so that we can do our part in flattening the curve. As difficult as this time period has been, my team is so unified. While we don’t know how long we will be facing this crisis, we know we will get to the other side and our team will be ready to take care of this entire community with the warmth and care we have always provided. We stay in daily contact and continue to lift one another up!

How has this community been instrumental in getting you to where you are now?
The community is WHY I am where I am. During this particular time in history as we face perhaps the biggest crisis our nation and world has ever faced, it is not lost on me that the strength of our community is what will take us to the other side. Our community is full of people who care and are committed to doing what is right. And together we will be instrument in flattening the curve of Covid-19 and getting back to our usual routines with a new sense of purpose and gratitude.
Living here and making such personal connections with the families who visit my practice is how Brush has become the dental home of so many children. The outpouring of love I have received from so many during a time when we have temporarily closed our Brush doors has brought me to tears on more than one occasion. My cup runneth over…truly.

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