Have Kids, Will Travel | Hinsdale Area Moms

Nothing get more responses than boarding a plane with multiple young children and if you are alone with 4 children ages 8 and under like I often am you can imagine the looks…don’t get me wrong, there are also some smiles in the bunch and on my last flight someone even offered to buy me a drink, but overall we get some stares. I knew I wanted a big family and now that I am blessed with one I do my best to not let that be what holds me back. Is travelling with 4 young children a breeze? NO, but boy oh boy do I love vacationing with them. My husband has a traditional job and can’t take his work with him the way that I can so if the kids and I want some longer vacation times I have to be willing to travel ALONE with my 4 besties.  I want to share with you some things that I do that make things much easier and something I don’t even dread entirely anymore. Let me start by saying that none of this is information you probably don’t already know, but hopefully you will find it helpful!

First things first, set low expectations. I don’t mean this to sound negative in the least, but if you set out expecting a banner day from your little ones you might be disappointed and you don’t need to be. Our last trip from Chicago to LA was a flying time of 4 hours and 30 minutes–it’s a LONG time on a plane for me as an adult so I know it must seem like an eternity for them. And that’s the perspective I try and keep. It’s long, it’s boring and for most of it you need to sit down! So what to do???

  • Try and pack a full meal, one of their favorites if possible. (No, I am not suggesting a full steak dinner ) My kids LOVE lunchables, I do not typically buy lunchables, but on flight days you better believe I break them out. My son has food allergies so I am ALWAYS with a cooler. I have an amazing one from a company called, Pack-It that has the ice packs built in–so easy for travel.  You can find Pack-it coolers on Amazon. I also throw in cheese sticks, small hummus containers, grapes, carrots, lots of filling and healthy snacks for us all. What can I say, eating just passes time!
  • Individual snack bags for each child. I try and stear clear of packing a bunch of sugary treats and stick to fun sizes of crackers, cereals, fruit leathers, etc. But, to be clear it’s not all healthy–my number one go to is a Ring Pop. Lollipops can be tremendously helpful when their little ears start hurting, however, some of my kids chomp right through lollipops. I have found that ring pops are thick enough and a bit harder to bite so they really come in handy. They are kind of like a sugary pacifier 🙂  Tootsie Pops are another really good one!  I am a “when it’s gone, it’s gone” kind of mom and typically let them control their own snack bag, but obviously you are the boss!

  • For my younger children, ages 4 and 6, I love to pack stickers and let them stick away, another great alternative is tape. Maybe it’s just my kids, but they are obsessed with tape–all kinds. I have brought washi tape, masking tape, scotch tape on planes with a notebook and they tape away! Clean up is quick and easy and because they don’t get easy access to tape at home it’s a hit! I also love the Melissa and Doug Water WOW books and I often bring a small silly putty for each one. Silly putty is very entertaining for kids of all ages and in my opinion easier to clean up and control than play-doh. I also try and download a new movie or a show that they can watch when needed. Another thing they love is looking at pictures or videos of themselves. This trip I packed an ancient iphone and they loved scrolling through old pics.
  • For my older girls, ages 8 and 7, I will be honest, they are pretty great on flights. They pack a backpack together and between books and word searches, I don’t hear from them much. They love having their own bag and being in charge. We packed uno cards, go fish and crazy eights, and not only did they use these on the plane but in the boarding area too. Really helps pass time quickly.

The good news is that most people are nice and helpful if you need it. I have to say that although we get some looks we have had more kindness than anything else. On a recent trip back from Florida the kids and I were delayed 7+ hours, on and off the plane 3 times, you know the drill and as hard as it was we saw such kindness. Prior to our 4th boarding all the kids had to go to the bathroom and we happened to be in a terminal with only ONE open bathroom (I mean, of course) after we all used the bathroom and finally exited a women who I had not even noticed before was standing outside the bathroom and said, ” I came to get you. We are finally boarding and there was NO WAY I was going to let you miss this flight.” It warmed my heart and really kept my attitude positive as we conquered a bad travel day. I realize now more than ever my attitude dictates so much of how they feel and react so staying positive is always my top priority!

For those of you with infants and toddlers, first and foremost, give yourself grace. It’s not easy to juggle a baby with ear pain or a wiggly toddler and for the most part, people really do understand that. So take a deep breath, dress in layers, and be as prepared as possible. A lot of my tips above still apply, think new toy, new teether, new snack, new books things like that. I have taken a old wipes container and filled it with thin baby washcloths and let baby pull them out over and over again. I always packed baby tylenol, extra bottles and extra pacifiers, extra diapers, you just never know how long you may be on there. I never brought a car seat, I don’t think it’s a bad idea, I just knew my kids would be happier sitting on top of me, but you know your kids best. I always took a stroller to the gate (I know its stricter now, but check with your airline) I just think the stroller is easier and a lifesaver in case of delays or if you are traveling with multiple children.

Here is my NUMBER ONE tip, no matter the age of your children, pack a carry-on bag with a change of clothes for ALL OF YOU. Children and adults. I know it’s cumbersome, I know it’s more to juggle, but more than that I know this, I have only needed that change of clothes for 3/6 on a flight from Tahoe to Chicago and thank goodness I had it. I will spare you the details, but just know without it we may not have made it, ha ha. My husband always thought the extra clothes bag was excessive, until that trip, now even my business traveling, carry on only,  husband agrees.

One other thing to note. I mentioned before Ryan’s food allergies and some other food allergy moms have asked how we manage that on flights. I will be completely honest, its scares the hell out of me every single time. We have a routine when we board and I wipe down every single seat, tray, magazine, buckle etc. on every seat we as a family have and then I watch him like a hawk. We make sure he is always seated next to a family member and that we are well equipped with epi-pens and benadryl if needed. We have been so fortunate and not had an issue mid air, this is my constant prayer and concern as we travel.

I would love to learn from some of you, what you do when you travel with your children? Comment below so we can learn from one another! I hope that some of this has been helpful and that all your travels are safe and smooth!

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